24 March 2016 Talk, adressing the large imbalance of gender and race representation in the physical sciences, delivered at Michigan State University.
14 March 2016 With Congressman Lee Zeldin, after discussing the importance of fundamental research and the benefits of pursuing reserach in nuclear science.
11 March 2016 Talk presenting work at the intersection and fusion of disciplines, presented at Yale University
16 January 2016 Public talk and exhibit on barriers and breking them, organized by Nogozon in Paris, France.
​11 May 2015 Panelist at a superfun event organized by SciArt Center held at the East Village Planeterium. Link to event site.
12 December 2014 Gender and racial diversity remains very limited in the physical sciences. Why are certain groups so under-represented? How can diversity be increased? What brought me into the field? And what pushes me away from it? Talk at the University of Minnesota.