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Pratt Students Touring Brookhaven National Lab and RHIC, the last Atom Smasher in the US

Adam Warner
Visiting the Super Computer Center at Brookhaven

Max, Samantha and Lourenca
visiting the last atom smasher in the U.S. with Professor Mocsy

Kat Bauer
with a segment of the superconducting magnets used for RHIC

Charlotte, Alex, and Agnes
getting a tour of the RHIC tunnel from accelerator physicist Mei Bai

Raine Robertson
learning about the RHIC computing facility from physicist and computing expert Jerome Lauret

Agnes, Alex and Charlotte
touring the STAR detector.

Agnes, Boris and Kat
getting a tour of the STAR control room from BNL Physicist Paul Sorensen

Sam, Lo and Agnes
in the collider tunnel

Raine Robertson
Getting an introduction from UCLA physicists Steve Trentalange
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