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Photo by Anjali Chandrashekar

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she / her

Physicist, Filmmaker, Professor 


Dr. Ágnes Mócsy is a Hungarian-American - born in Transylvania - theoretical physicist and documentary filmmaker. Currently at the Facility for Rare Isotope Beams at Michigan State University, directing, producing, and writing her feature doc film, Rare Connections. Her  recent research and creative work is at the intersection of science and the arts, and that of inclusivity and climate landscape in science, and beyond.

She is awardee as Alexander von Humboldt Fellow, Fellow of the American Physical Society, and Yale University Fellow.  

As professor she developed courses with non-traditional ways of approaching physics: "Starstruck: Meet Our Universe" and "Science, the Film Muse" at Pratt Institute and "Physics Meets the Arts" at Yale University. She co-taught "Being Human in STEM" at Yale, a course examining how factors of gender, race, religion, sexuality, and economic circumstances shape the STEM experience at Yale and nationwide.


As researcher she made significant contributions in high energy nuclear physics, in the theory of strong nuclear interactions, investigating how matter formed microseconds after the Big Bang. 

She started making documentaries in 2012 

As science communicator she had produced and performed shows, including physics inspired fashion shows and art shows.


She delivered more than 130 invited talks throughout the world, has authored 35 research papers (2016-2013) and numerous science communication articles, including for the Huffington Post and Művelődés. She had been featured as Incredible Women  in ELLE Magazine. 

Prof. Mócsy held positions at The Niels Bohr Institute, Copenhagen, Denmark, at the Goethe University, Frankfurt, Germany, at Brookhaven National Laboratory, NY, and visiting appointments at the École Polytechnique and CEA Saclay, Paris, France and the Wright Laboratory at Yale University. 



Anchor 1
Featured in ELLE Hungary

Featured in ELLE Hungary

Featured in the Incredible Women segment. Link to article when clicking the image. May- June 2021 issue.

In Physics Today Magazine

In Physics Today Magazine

Professor Mócsy's work at the intersection of science and the arts at Pratt, and her course Physics Meets the Arts at Yale featured in the April 2021 issue

Women in Science Conference

Women in Science Conference

Talk in Hungarian with English subtitles at the Women in Science Conference held in Pécs, Hungary February 11, 2021

Live Radio Interview

Live Radio Interview

Live interview in the Hungarian Klub Radio (the last 30 minutes of the linked broadcast) - in Hungarian December 26, 2020

Profile in Nők Lapja magazine

Profile in Nők Lapja magazine

Two page spread - in this weekly Hungarian magazine Published in the October 282020 issue

"Let's Talk Media" episode 5

"Let's Talk Media" episode 5

Interview on the University of Connecticut Digital Media platform hosted by Heather Elliott-Famularo September 24, 2020

Audio discussion on

Audio discussion on

Magyarul. Interview by Katalin Moscu as we take our time to explore a variety of topics - two 1h segments in Hungarian language. June 26, 2020

“This Is How I Got Here”

“This Is How I Got Here”

Panelist at the Conference for Undergraduate Women in Physics Yale University January 2020

The Unforeseen

The Unforeseen

This is an art research project which analyzes our role as human beings within the universe at large in collaboration with artist SteamPlant resident Pamela Breda and Pratt faculty cultural critic Ira Livingston. Pratt Institute, Fall 2019

Interview in La Voz de Galicia

Interview in La Voz de Galicia

Santiago de Compostella, Spain November 2019

Gender Equality in Physics

Gender Equality in Physics

Invited speaker at Gender Equality in Physics workshop in Frankfurt, Germany December 2019

Museum Talk and Panel

Museum Talk and Panel

At Centro Galego de Arte Contemporeana in Santiago de Compostella, Spain November 2019

Minorities in Science

Minorities in Science

Talk on inclusion and equity of minorities in Santiago de Compostella, Spain November 2019

Profiled in SciArt Initiative

Profiled in SciArt Initiative

July 3, 2019 Interviewed about how art and science can generate new dialogues through public works and an unusual educational approach.

Yale course featured by the APS

Yale course featured by the APS

May 28, 2019 Featured in article written for Arts & Culture at the American Physical Society.

In Yale News

In Yale News

May 8 2019 Featured about the Physics Meets the Arts course and its culmination in the first physics art show and first student show in the Yale University Art Gallery

Physics Meets the Arts Show at YUAG

Physics Meets the Arts Show at YUAG

Yale University Art Gallery May 7 2019 Physics-based art show show and exhibit - the first! - of my amazing first-year students - culmination of a dreamy semester.

Science Happy Hour 2019

Science Happy Hour 2019

April 23 2019 Official causal BAR fun in New Haven on stage with Fellow Yale Professors and science communicators: Carl Zimmer, Sarah Demers, Keith Baker and John Harris

Being Human In STEM

Being Human In STEM

Yale University, Spring 2019 Co-teaching this amazing course on climate, diversity and beyond ... in Science, Technology, Engineering and Math

ArtSci Affair at Pratt

ArtSci Affair at Pratt

February 28 Speaking as the funder and chair of the ArtSci Affair event series for the "Muons and Meters" Pratt STEAMplant event.

Women You Should Know

Women You Should Know

December 12, 1018 Featured in article and as a cartoon character (when you scroll inside the article) in based on an interview by Dale DeBakcsy.

Featured in the New Scientist

Featured in the New Scientist

6 November 2018

TV Interview

TV Interview

March 2018 Interview (23 min) in TVR Cluj about physics, science advocacy, art, fashion, minorities in science - in Hungarian with Romanian subtitles

Hungarian Academy of Sciences talk

Hungarian Academy of Sciences talk

November 2017 Invited Talk at the "Magyar Tudomány Ünnepe: Emberközpontu Tudomány" coference organized by the Hungarian Academy of Sciences in Cluj, Romania.

Film Festival Screening of Smashing

Film Festival Screening of Smashing

June 2017 With my co-producer John Harris at New Haven Documentary Film festival, the first festival screeing of "Smashing Matters: Behind the Science Scene"

Science, The Film Muse

Science, The Film Muse

Spring 2017 A fun course - lecture and production class -designed in collaboration with Ramon Rivera-Moret, experimenting with physics and film fusion. Location Pratt Institute and Brookhaven National Laboratory

Science the Muse for Art

Science the Muse for Art

April 2017 Science The Muse For Art and Design article published in the Science and Society magazine published by the American Physical Society.

Honored as APS Fellow

Honored as APS Fellow

2016 "For innovative explorations of the intersection of science and the arts, for advocacy on behalf of fundamental science, and for promotion of underrepresented minorities working in science." See interview in link.

STEMFest 2017

STEMFest 2017

16 January 2017 Under St Marks Theatre "THE UNIVERSE UNROBED: A Voyage Into the Stars, Fashion and Film" with appearance of a great lineup of my Pratt students and collaborators.

From Physics to Filmmaking

From Physics to Filmmaking

Nov 2016 Invited talk at the NED conference in Phuket, Thailand.

Owner of a Lonely Quark

Owner of a Lonely Quark

13 July 2016 Based on an intervview I gave to writer/cartoonist Dale DeBacsy - he wrote a homor-packed informative article spiced with cartoons.

All Inclusive Science

All Inclusive Science

8-10 June 2016 Organized a 3 day 3 part workshop and panel discussion on gender and race representation in the sciences, particularly physics. Held at Brookhaven National Laboratory. Links to talks and details about panelists

Entertaining Science

Entertaining Science

5 June 2016 There was atom smashing science, art, a mini fashion showm and the screening of the documentary Smashing Matters. There were several surprise guests. Details

Debut as Filmmaker

Debut as Filmmaker

5 May 2016 Public screening of first documentary film. Many thanks to Digital Media Center for the Arts and Wright Laboratory at Yale University. Poster of the film

Science Happy Hour

Science Happy Hour

3 May 2016 Informal but informed science conversations moderated by NY Times culomnist Carl Zimmer. More photos and detail from the event.

Who is doing science, who isn't

Who is doing science, who isn't

24 March 2016 Talk, adressing the large imbalance of gender and race representation in the physical sciences, delivered at Michigan State University.

On Capitol Hill

On Capitol Hill

14 March 2016 With Congressman Lee Zeldin, after discussing the importance of fundamental research and the benefits of pursuing reserach in nuclear science.

The lone genius paradigm

The lone genius paradigm

9 March 2016 Debut as blogger in HuffPost Science, dicsussing the ramifications of what a lone-genius paradigm might hold.

Scientist in art & design world

Scientist in art & design world

11 March 2016 Talk presenting work at the intersection and fusion of disciplines, presented at Yale University

Diversity of identities and minds

Diversity of identities and minds

16 January 2016 Public talk and exhibit on barriers and breking them, organized by Nogozon in Paris, France.

Fusion Project Runway

Fusion Project Runway

16 December 2015 Short interview and video produced by Pratt Insitute about an approach to sciuence teaching Agnes developed in her classes.

When Physics Meets Fashion

When Physics Meets Fashion

23 July 2015 Paired with the sreening of Zoolander a promisingly fun night of physics and fashion, followed by a reception at Huntington Cinema Arts, NY

Women in Science Symposium

Women in Science Symposium

12 September 2015 This 18 minutes long talk was recodred and released by the Swedish TV Channel UR Samtiden. The lunk will be active until March 10, 2016.

Plenary Talk on Diversity

Plenary Talk on Diversity

​3 July 2015 Diversity in gender and race in the field of physics, and how are we doing on it, is discussed in Montreal, Canada. See the talk. Graphics by Pratt's Young Kim.

PubSci: Big Bang Physics

PubSci: Big Bang Physics

18 June 2015 Chatting about big science in a casual environment over drinks. At the Bahche in Brooklyn, NY. Click here for the poster announcement

The fashionista physicist

The fashionista physicist

15 February 2015 The thruth about my shoe collection and more in a very nice article on Scienceline by Rebecca Harrington. Read it here

Science Happy Hour

Science Happy Hour

16 January 2015 We brought Science Happy Hour to Manhattan and had a great time talking about the origins of matter. This event was organized as part of STEM Fest and Ben Lillie of the Story Collider moderated. Looking forward to more of these.

Pathways to Excellence

Pathways to Excellence

22 May 2015 Invited speaker and panelist at the Symposium on gender issues facing women in science. Uppsala, Sweden. Link to event site and brochure of the event

Science Advocacy in DC

Science Advocacy in DC

23 March 2015 Lobbying Congress on behalf of fundamnetal reserach in nuclear science. On the photo the NY State delegation with R Congressman Lee Zeldin.

Tour the Universe

Tour the Universe

​11 May 2015 Panelist at a superfun event organized by SciArt Center held at the East Village Planeterium. Link to event site.

When Physics Met Fashion

When Physics Met Fashion

5 March 2015 Talk to be delivered at Pratt Institute exploring Interdisciplinary Design education at the School of Design.

RHIC Physics Feeds Future Workforce

RHIC Physics Feeds Future Workforce

15 January 2015 Thanks to Karen McNulty Walsh for this write-up which gives me a chance to talk about work as a researcher, a science advocate, an art/science ambassador and a representative for under-represened minorities.

Girl Power in STEM

Girl Power in STEM

7 March 2015 Keynote speaker at the symosium honoring the Inetrantional Women Day at Stony Brook University. Link to event site.

Physics meets the Arts

Physics meets the Arts

21 November 2014 Roundtable and panel discussion on "Excavating the Universe: Physics Interacts with the Arts" at The Commons, Spooner Hall in the Spencer Museum of Art in Lawrence, Kansas, and the University of Kansas. Appearance in video link aroun 1h08'.

Distinguished Scientist

Distinguished Scientist

12 December 2014 Gender and racial diversity remains very limited in the physical sciences. Why are certain groups so under-represented? How can diversity be increased? What brought me into the field? And what pushes me away from it? Talk at the University of Minnesota.

"Glamorous Gluons"

"Glamorous Gluons"

June 2014 My fine art student Sarah Szabo's art exhibit at Broohaven Lab, had it's opening reception during the RHIC/AGS Users Meeting. When physics meets art, really great things can happen.

Carrer Panelist

Carrer Panelist

20 November 2014 Answering question about a carreer as a physicist at the Young Researchers Symposium held at Brookhaven National Laboratory, NY.

Science Happy Hour at BAR

Science Happy Hour at BAR

16 October 2014 Four scientists walk into a bar... A casual evening about big science, moderated by Ben Lillie of Story Collider.

​"Ösrobbanás, ma"

​"Ösrobbanás, ma"

June 2014 "Big Bang, today" article published in the Hungarian cultural magazine Müvelödés, in Kolozsvár/Cluj. Click on it to read.

​Physicist of the Month

​Physicist of the Month

May 2014 I feel honored to have been named the Woman Physicist of the Month by the American Physical Society in a program to highlight exceptional female physicists. The award recognizes female physicists who have positively impacted other individuals’ lives and careers.

​Plenary Talk at Hard Probes

​Plenary Talk at Hard Probes

13 October 2013 After lecturing for graduate students on Quantum Chromodynamics at the pre-conference Summer School at the University of Cape Town, South Africa, I pesented a Quarkonium Theory Overview Talk at the Hard Probes 1013 conference held In Stellenbosch, South Africa.

​When Worlds Collide

​When Worlds Collide

April and September 2014 Talk exploring the Pratt-Brookhaven science-art collaborations, presented at different international conferences: Winter Workshop in Galveston, TX, and Collective Dynamics in Heavy Ion Collisions, Crete, Greece.



11 March 2014 Three scientists and two journalists walk into a bar ... PubSci is a science café with informal conversation about big science. Presented by the Brookhaven National Laboratory Stakeholder Relations Office.

​On Capitol Hill in DC

​On Capitol Hill in DC

28 April 2014 For the second year participated in the Nuclear Science delegation to DC, discussing with elected officials and their staff the value of fundamental nuclear physics research. Photo in front of Senator Kirsten Gillibrand's office, the expanded is at Sen. Schummer.

"Smashing Matters" release

"Smashing Matters" release

1 May 2013 Launched my first short film ​​​Smashing Matters together with the ​science advocacy website ​ This film is about the far-reaching yet incalculable value of fundamental research, on the backbone of America's last atom smasher.

​Sound of the Little Bangs

​Sound of the Little Bangs

12.01.2013 ​Video and website explaining the acoustics of the hot and dense early-universe-like matter created at ​Brookhaven Lab. The project, featured in dozens of ​​news outlets, ​in early 2013, reached over 35k viewers.

​BlackHole Poster Competition

​BlackHole Poster Competition

06.10.2013 The Pratt students participated in the most recent poster and logo design competition for the Karl Schwartzschild Meeting to be held in Frankfurt, Germany in July 2013. Winning design by Kaitlyn Allaire

​Review Article

​Review Article

02.08.2013 Most recent publication: I co-authored this paper reviewing the recent progress towards understanding the nature of quarkonia in the quark-gluon plasma.

​On Panel at UnionDocs

​On Panel at UnionDocs

05.09.2012 ​On Panel at UnionDocs Presenter and panelist advocating a Better Future Through Evidence-Based Reasoning on the discussion "The Future Well-made: on the Conditions for a Personal Vision" organized by Tom Klinkowstein. Photo by P Sorensen.

Thermal Workshop at BNL

Thermal Workshop at BNL

12.07.2012​ This talk, presented at Brookhaven, is on a new on-going work, in which we propose to use hydrogen-like atoms as mili-scale lepton detectors to access muons directly produced in relativistic heavy ion collisions.

​Hot Quarks Conference

​Hot Quarks Conference

10.12.2012 On the Organizing Committee of the HQ2012 international conference for more than 70 young physicists working on relativistic nuclear collisions, held in Copamarina, Puerto Rico.

HQ Poster Competition

HQ Poster Competition

09.20.2012​ Pratt students participated in a design competition for the poster for the Hot Quarks Conference. The winning poster by Alex Doig was also displayed on The Big Bang Theory TV show.

Talk at ISMD in Hiroshima

Talk at ISMD in Hiroshima

09.27.2011 In this talk I discussed the interplay of the acoustic horizon and viscous effects on the power spectrum of heavy ion collisions. I gave it at the International Symposium on Multi-particle Dynamics and wrote it into publication.

My First Race

My First Race

07.10.2012​ After completing the B16 SIG training series in 2012 with the New York Cycling Club, I signed up for my first test-race. The accomplishment: I finished. It was exhilarating. Left me wanting more.

Talk at XQCD in Mexico

Talk at XQCD in Mexico

07.18-20.2011 This is an invited talk overviewing the theory status of quarkonium at finite temperature at the Extreme QCD workshop in San Carlos, Mexico. At the end I sneaked up a short talk on the sound of the little bangs.

​Explaining Nuclear Collisions

​Explaining Nuclear Collisions

05.06.2011 Discussing the physics of relativistic nuclear collisions with Alan Alda, in a break from his improvisation workshop that I attended at Brookhaven Lab.

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